Blog posts by Jennie Wadsten Sharma

Pressrelease: STILLHET – nu som ljudbok – och med sex exklusiva yoga nidra-inspelningar!
✨ STILLHET som ljudbok! ✨ Guidad djupavslappning – Yoga Nidra för bättre sömn, mer energi och klarar tankar Stress, sömnproblem och oro – i en värld där tempot ständigt ökar erbjuder Yoga nidra en vetenskapligt förankrad metod för återhämtning. Nu finns Stillhet, den första svenska boken om Yoga nidra som

Pressrelease: Nu släpps boken STILLHET: den första boken om Yoga Nidra på svenska!
✨ Boken om Yoga Nidra ✨ Guidad djupavslappning – STILLHET – Yoga Nidra för bättre sömn, mer energi och klarar tankar Yoga Nidra – guidad djupavslappning – är en effektiv metod för att finna lugn i en stressig vardag och det är just det du får lära dig mer om

Free Yoga Nidra Script: Summer Rest
✨ Free Script ✨ Summer REST In English and Swedish Wow! I’m so grateful for all the wonderful emails I have received about the free scripts and audios — it means a lot to me that you’re enjoying them! Here’s the latest addition to my seasonal series, this time focusing
Free Yoga Nidra Audio: Summer Rest
✨ Free Audio✨ SUMMER REST & In English and Swedish Here’s part 4 in the series of Yoga Nidra for every season, this time focusing on summer. ♡ I want to take this opportunity thank you for all the AMAZING emails I get regarding the Yoga Nidra recordings. It means
Free Yoga Nidra Audio: Spring Rest & Self-Compassion
✨ Free Audio✨ SPRING REST & SELF COMPASSION In English and Swedish I’ve recorded another audio for you… ♡This Nidra is not only focuses on rest – but also on flowing with our feelings and strengthening our resilience. Spring can be filled with both excitement – and fatigue. In this
Free Yoga Nidra Script: Spring Rest & Self-Compassion
✨ Free Script ✨ SPRING REST In English and Swedish I’m so happy to hear that you find the scripts so useful! Here’s another free script in the series of seasons: this time focusing on spring – and also self-compassion. Spring can be filled with both excitement – and fatigue. In
Yoga Theme: FOCUS
✨ Theme 2: Focus✨ Inspiration for yoga teachers to elevate your yoga classes Here’s a summary in bullet points. Pick and choose what resonates with you, to create your own classes. Remember: keep it simple: it’s better to talk less and give the students more time for reflection, than to
How to stay focused: part 2
✨ This is a game changer! ✨ Struggling to stay focused? You’re not alone. I just spoke with a brain researcher about the negative impact social media has on our focus – but I don’t want to ditch social media (because it’s not ALL bad) so instead – let’s look
How to stay focused: part 1
✨ You know that feeling when you’re on your yoga mat and you just can’t seem to focus? ✨ Today I spent my whole practice mentally writing emails and going through to-do lists. I was totally in my head – not in my body! It’s frustrating when the mind wanders
Free Yoga Nidra Audio: Winter Rest
✨ Free Audio: WINTER REST ✨ In English and Swedish Here’s a Nidra to support you during the winter season. We’ll tune into the magic of winter: a time of deep and nurturing rest. All you have to do is lie down in a comfortable position and rest and I
Free Yoga Nidra Script: Winter Rest
✨ Free Script: WINTER REST ✨ In English and Swedish Thank you all for the wonderful emails and messages about the Yoga Nidra scripts! It means a lot that you like them so much and find them so useful! Here’s another free script, this time focusing on winter. (Also available:
Free Yoga Nidra Audio: Autumn Rest
✨ Free Audio: AUTUMN REST ✨ In English and Swedish Does Autumn make you feel tired, low or stressed? Here’s a Yoga Nidra for you. The aim is to calm the nervous system and release tension so that you can sleep well and get more energy. I hope you’ll find