Free Yoga Nidra Audio: Spring Rest & Self-Compassion

✨ Free Audio✨


In English and Swedish

I’ve recorded another audio for you…
This Nidra is not only focuses on rest – but also on flowing with our feelings and strengthening our resilience.

Spring can be filled with both excitement – and fatigue. In this Nidra, we create space for both and explore flowing  between them. 

This Yoga Nidra can be done at any time of the day. 

– The intro is a bit longer this time, focusing on self-compassion, setting the tone for the practice and giving you something to explore in the practice. We’ll keep coming back to “what do I need right now” several times throughout the practice. 

– In the English version, I’ll invite you to explore a different variation of a Sankalpa: it’s more of a question to yourself, exploring “what do I need right now?”a bit further, so that the answers that come up don’t only come from your conscious mind – but also from a deeper layer of your consciousness.
And if nothing comes up – maybe choose “stillness”.


Much Love, 


If you missed the other free yoga nidra audios, scroll down to the bottom of this page: