Free Yoga Nidra Audio: Autumn Rest
✨ Free Audio: AUTUMN REST ✨ In English and Swedish Does Autumn make you feel tired, low or stressed? Here’s a Yoga Nidra for you. The aim is to calm the nervous system and release tension so that you can sleep well and get more energy. I hope you’ll find it useful. All you have […]
Free Yoga Nidra Script: Autumn Rest
✨ Free Script: AUTUMN REST ✨ In English and Swedish Hi there! I absolutely love Yoga Nidra and my intention with sharing free Yoga Nidra scripts is to support and inspire other teachers. Here’s another free script, this time focusing on autumn. I’ll add more seasons over time and I’ll share a link in my […]
Courage is an action, not just a feeling
✨ Courage is an action ✨ How yoga can help us cultivate courage Have you ever felt fear is holding you back from following your dream? Or even doing things in your everyday life that takes you closer to what’s important to you? Such as speaking in front of other people, asking for help, applying […]
Navigate transitions – from discomfort to growth
✨ How to navigate transitions✨ Transitions are often messy! Uncertainty is uncomfortable. Embracing change is often easier said than done. What has helped me a lot (and soothed my over analysing mind) is to remember that: Every transition holds a hidden gift – a chance to redefine yourself and grow. Transitions are bridges, between […]
Exhaustion and Gratitude
✨ What’s your reaction when you feel exhausted? ✨ If you’ve ever been through a burnout or depression, feeling exhausted can be triggering: the fear of falling down into that dark space again. But remember – you’re not the same person nowadays. Going through that terrible experience made you stronger – and more resilient. Sometimes life […]
5 ways to shift your mindset when you’re feeling stuck
✨ Mindset ✨ Don’t hate me for saying this: Was it really a bad day? Or was it a bad five minutes that you milked all day? Annoying, right? But that quote has helped me a lot over the years so I wanted to share this with you too. 🥰 Here are 5 suggestions […]