“I cannot recommend Jennie enough. She is a very compassionate and knowledgeable teacher- you know you’re in safe hands with her. I’ve attended classes, workshops and teacher trainings with her and they have all been exceptional. I have a huge respect for Jennie and always learn so much from her. The only downside(for me) is that she’s not in the UK. But so far I’ve travelled all over the world to attend her retreats and training and will continue to do so – casue she’s definately worth a visit!”
– Rachel, UK
“I have just done a three day Yoga Nidra course with Jennie and Melanie Cooper, and would highly recommend it. The course was so well structured, packed with excellent info and delivered in a warm, nurturing safe environment. I will definitely do more courses with Jennie and Melanie in future.”
– Jane, UK
“I work with Jennie in her capacity as a fellow member of a yoga teacher training staff and in her capacity as manager of Brahmani yoga drop in center. Her knowledge of yoga and anatomy are both outstanding, even if she is having an angry day (born I expect from the frustrations of trying to organize something in India) but I must attest I have never seen this in real life, only a fun and happy person that is a pleasure to be part of a team with.”
-Stu Girling UK,
Founder of LoveYogaAnatomy.com
“I wanted to take a course in Yoga Nidra for quite a long time and I am so happy and grateful I had the opportunity
to attend to one that Jennie Wadsten & Melanie Cooper held!
Three days of laughters, recognition & wisdom – I couldn’t ask for more. Your heartfullness shines through everything.
I really like the way you teach, making me feel safe and confident in passing the lovely tecniques of Yoga Nidra on to my students.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart”
– Marina, Sweden
“One of the most dedicated and professional teachers I have had the pleasure to meet. Jennie has wealth of knowledge and experience that she shares to her students, always with smile and kindness. Fun, charismatic and generous. A teachers teacher. Million stars and more. Thank you for all you do ❤️”
-Katja Niemela, Ibiza
“Jennie is a wonderful yoga teacher, so full of knowledge, authority and care plus lots of humor and playfulness. She creates an atmosphere that is welcoming and kind and never leaves any one behind. It’s easy to feel safe in Jennies hands. She is a breath of fresh air and I am grateful for her spirit, experience and energy that she contributes to the yoga world. I will definitely attend her classes and workshops again!”
– Sophia Tillman, Sweden
“I’ve just returned from a week of training (Yin & Yoga Nidra) with Jennie and Melanie (Cooper). If I stop and cast my mind back to that time, the strongest takeaway isn’t what I actually learned; it’s the sense of renewal, of the safety and space both I and my co-students on the course were given to learn and develop both as yoga teachers and as human beings.
From Day 1 (actually, from way before the course started), Jennie and Melanie worked hard to cultivate a community in which we could all expect to feel supported rather than criticised, accepted rather than outside. And it worked. 20 post-graduate students and 2 teachers from 7/8 different countries in Europe living and learning together for 7 days with none of the cliques or bitching you sometimes find on events of this nature.
The training itself was excellent – a perfect blend of practical and theory and enough carry-home material to allow even a complete newcomer to the teaching the styles of yoga to get started with a degree of confidence. I had already had some training in both Yin and Yoga Nidra, but having the opportunity to go into a bit more depth and to review some of the new developments in the area, particularly with regard to Yoga Nidra has me thinking about offering classes and workshops with renewed vigour.
As teachers, Jennie and Melanie, on the surface at least, Jennie and Melanie are very different personalities, but they are absolutely singing from the same hymn sheet in their intent to provide a first-class training which while respecting both tradition and culture, didn’t allow us to be hidebound or to wrap bad practice in a cloak of slavish adherence to what has gone before. Both teachers encouraged us to question dubious practice and to think for ourselves.
The dancing – ah the dancing! Much fun was had during our Bollywood moments. Where other teachers might encourage you to take time out by stretching your legs with a cup of tea, we would do 10 minutes of Bollywood dancing! I will live with the memory of a normally sedate Melanie flipping out with the picture of ecstasy written all over her face as she led us through those beats, which drew even the villa staff out to join us! Thank you both for a fun-filled, loving week in which energy, faith and self-belief wss restored for more than a few of us.
– Erika, UK
“Jennie, Melanie and Susanne really are the dream team when it comes to yoga teacher training. Their combined depth of knowledge, passion and intuitive expertise is second to none and I cannot recommend their trainings highly enough. The 8 days we spent in Ibiza on the recent 75 hour Yin and Yoga Nidra TT was far more than just a training, it allowed us all space to question, discuss, push the boundaries, all within a safe and non judgmental environment. This is in no small part due to the fact that all three of them come to the subject matter from a place of deep love and respect and there are no egos in the room at all. Just a shared space with like minded people exploring new possibilities and ideas. I am so glad they do what they do and I really hope it is the first of many times our paths will cross.”
– Michelle, UK
“I have just completed the 75 hour Yin & Yoga Nidra with Mel and Jennie in Ibiza and it surpassed my expectations, a wealth of knowledge and a thorough, full programme has left me with renewed energy for teaching and in my own personal practice. Jennie’s experience, knowledge and passion (and boundless energy!) for what she does shines through and I am confident in taking my new skills out to my students and exploring these practices further. Thank you Jennie, it has been a gift! xx”
– Kerry Saunders, UK
“I am so thankful I was able to apart of the Nidra training and get to know and learn from such an, knowledgeable, experienced, kind, Ray of energy. So supportive throughout, clearly cared about each and every student and their learning which is an amazing thing to be part of. I will definitely be back for more in the future! Thank you so much 🙏”
– Stephanie Rose, UK
“Thank you Jennie for an incredible week of Yin and Nidra TT. You have opened my eyes to a new world in yoga. You are funny, passionate and humble and you and Melanie have this incredible connection with each other. Keep on doing what you’re doing.”❣️❣️
– Cynthia, Ibiza
“Jennie is energetic and charismatic and her joy and love of yoga shines through in her classes. She is also very adept at Bollywood dancing. Jennie is encouraging, supportive and kind. I loved her classes and knowledge shared at the Yin and Yoga Nidra course this September. Thank you Jennie. xxx”
– Natasha, UK
“Great Yoga Nidra 3 day course with Jennie Wadsten and Melanie Cooper: well structured, informative and delivered with kindness and humour. Highly recommended!”
– Josie, UK
“Beautiful, open and authentic teacher on my second Yin yoga training. Together with Melaine Cooper and Susanne Virnanen she made the perfect team to this training about listening deeply into your body and heart for hidden sounds and needs. I am so humble and greatful to meet people like Jennie who devote their lives to give knowledge and create love and space to other people. Without judging and just being open to what is…”
– Annika, Sweden
“I spent one week on Ibiza and TT Yin yoga & Yoga nidra and I can highly recommend it.
Jennie teaches with great humour, kindness and generosity. She is present and caring and you feel safe.”– Suzanne, Sweden
“Jennie is such a knowledgeable and generous teacher. Friendly, warm and open she brings both lightness and depth to her teaching in a way that makes me want to learn from more from her whenever I can. I wholeheartedly recommend classes, workshops or training courses with Jennie.”
– Zoe, UK
“Jennie teaches with great knowledge,devotion and heart!She is a true inspiration and a teacher I always want to keep learning from.”
– Rose-Marie, Sweden
“Compassionate, joyful and empowering. These are the traits of a wise and skillful teacher. Just being in the presence of this woman and teacher, you are seen and welcomed, and appropriately guided in your practice, wether you’ve practiced asana or meditation for years and years or just come for your first yoga experience ever.
Jennie not only has years of teaching experience in her repertoire, teaching internationally, she is also a devoted student of yoga and science. Her creativity and genuine curiosity shine through in her classroom informing the students who are lucky to be in her class, to investigate, be open and curious themselves. Yoga is about lovingly and compassionately exploring what is.
Jennie shares her love for yoga with sincerity, skill, and knowledge only years of dedicated training and practice can offer. She has the clarity of a true teacher and guide.
May you be blessed to enter into her classroom and be touched by Yoga.”– Alexandra, Sweden
“Within many seasons in Goa I attended many classes at Brahmani in Anjuna which were all very good for me. Especialy I can highly recommend Jennie Wadsten’s classes. As a Yoga teacher (and manager of Brahmani as well) she is simply complete with the entire qualities a teacher should show. Such are the ability of creating an atmosphere of love and safety, a talent to encourage and motivate without giving the feeling of pushing or expecting. She got all these teaching skills of clear explanations and alignments and a sensitivity in adjustments when needed and wanted. And: What a smile! I thank Jennie for these beautiful hours which I will repeat and repeat again.”
– Orlando, Germany
“Best teacher! In class she will make you laugh to tears, cry from the heart, amaze over your own being, wake up your fighting spirit while feeling completely safe and free to surrender. With her great wisdom and experience she guides you through a journey which you always want to return to”
– Susanne Viinanen, Sweden
“One of the absolute most inspiring people I’ve ever met, on and off the mat!”
– Maria Hallden, Sweden
“Melanie & Jennie are the perfect teaching team and created a really special learning space for their 3-day Yoga Nidra training. I’m still buzzing and only wish I could have lingered in that beautiful bubble a bit longer!”
– Louise, UK
“Undervisar på ett inkännande och inspirerande sätt, oavsett om det är en dynamisk virya/ashtanga/vinyasa flowklass eller lugn restorative, som elev känner jag mig alltid sedd och uppmuntrad!”
– Katarina Eklund, Sweden
“…och sen föll jag in på en Viryaklass för Jennie. Ni som har gått en klass för henne förstår vad jag menar när jag säger att hon riktigt sprudlade, som en pulserande sol av positiv energi längst fram i yogasalen. Jag kände mig gladare bara av att komma in i rummet! Och med knäppa skämt och en uppfriskande ton guidade hon oss genom en viryaklass med fart och fläkt, fast ändå med noggranna teknik-instruktioner och med omtanke. Och skön, nedvarvande avslappning på slutet. På den tiden hade hon också en glittrande bindi-piercing fasthäftad i pannan, och tillsammans med sina ”bara några stycken”-dread locks och bruna toner såg hon ut som att hon nyss rymt från Anjuna Beach i Goa (vilket förmodligen också var fallet)…
Kanske speciellt efter att jag har lärt känna henne ännu mer så har hon kommit att bli som en mentor för mig inom yogavärlden. När jag frågade henne bekymrat någon gång om hon kan någonting om axlar, så utbrast hon “Du, jag VURMAR för axlar!”. När jag kommer med knepiga frågor kring yoga, filosofi eller livet svarar hon alltid på ett upplyftande och pedagogiskt sätt. Och ibland, när jag sitter och tjurar framför min dator med massa mail eller uppsatser som kan lämnas in, kan hon fråga: “Tre saker som du är tacksam över just nu?”
Läs hela inlägget här: Jennie Wadsten – en kärleksförklaring– Elina Moestam, Sweden
“Att yoga för Jennie är att bemötas med total uppmärksamhet och omsorg. Både som van och ovan utövare får man precis det stöd man behöver, när man behöver det. Hon har en fantastisk förmåga att känna in hur din kropp mår just idag och vad den behöver i form av justering och instruktioner. hon instruerar också positioner och övningar som vi i vår västerländska kontorsvardag behöver som bäst och ofta inte har en aning om, samtidigt som hon knyter an till sina egna erfarenheter i den vägen och förstår hur jobbigt det är. Resultatet blir alltid en sympatisk och igenkännande klass, även mellan deltagarna, och det är inte ett dugg allvarligt eller slitsamt tråkigt. Jag har sällan skrattat så mycket på yogaklasser som på Jennies – och just därför blir yogaklassen ännu bättre för kropp och sinne. Man mår så bra efteråt!”
– Gunilla, Jusek, Sweden
“En klass med Jennie är en upplevelse. Hon tar emot sina elever med varmt leende och leder var och en på en resa genom utmaningar, skratt och reflektion. Hennes medkänsla är konstant närvarande, och den sköna humorn balanseras fint med tydlighet, kreativitet och djup kunskap om kroppen och sinnet. Jennie är en ljuvlig lärare och förtroendeingivande guide med stort hjärta och gedigen kompetens. Varje tillfälle med henne, vare sig på yogamattan eller vid en kopp te, är en härlig, givande upptäcktsfärd.”
– Alexandra Kambler,
Dharma Yoga, Sweden
“Jennie är mycket pedagogisk och noggrann när hon ger sina instruktioner. Inga felaktiga belastningar får förekomma. Man slås och inspireras av hennes brinnande intresse och hennes omfattande kunskap inom yogan i alla dess former. Med stort tålamod, genuin glädje och med uppriktig nyfikenhet inför din person leder hon dig genom yogasessionen.
Det bästa med Jennie som yogalärare är att hon är mycket trygg och lyhörd. Hon har verkligen en skarp blick och känsla för hur din kropp mår i största allmänhet och hon iakttar din andning och dina rörelser och justerar med omtänksamhet. Med stor respekt för din person visar hon hur du kan genomföra enkla, praktiska övningar och lösningar som kan förbättra din vardag på ett mycket kännbart och tydligt sätt. Jennie visar med sig själv som ett slående exempel hur vi kan öka vår självkännedom och genom detta stärka både vår kropp och vårt immunförsvar.
På ett enkelt och prestigelöst sätt lär hon oss att återvända till vår egen kropp och se vilka delar som vi behöver jobba mer med. Med sin snabba iakttagelseförmåga hittar jennie ganska snabbt de delar av vår kropp som vi rör på alldeles för lite eller som vi helt nästan hade glömt bort. Och då har hon genast några finurliga rörelser eller övningar som hon vill instruera och överlämna till oss att träna mer på. Allt i största välmening och i godaste syfte.”
– Charliee Lek,
Plushealing, Sweden