Pressrelease: STILLHET – nu som ljudbok – och med sex exklusiva yoga nidra-inspelningar!

✨ STILLHET som ljudbok! ✨ Guidad djupavslappning – Yoga Nidra för bättre sömn, mer energi och klarar tankar Stress, sömnproblem och oro – i en värld där tempot ständigt ökar erbjuder Yoga nidra en vetenskapligt förankrad metod för återhämtning. Nu finns Stillhet, den första svenska boken om Yoga nidra som ljudbok, både i sin helhet […]

Yoga Theme: FOCUS

✨ Theme 2: Focus✨ Inspiration for yoga teachers to elevate your yoga classes Here’s a summary in bullet points. Pick and choose what resonates with you, to create your own classes. Remember: keep it simple: it’s better to talk less and give the students more time for reflection, than to try and squeeze in as […]

How to stay focused: part 2

✨ This is a game changer! ✨ Struggling to stay focused? You’re not alone. I just spoke with a brain researcher about the negative impact social media has on our focus – but I don’t want to ditch social media (because it’s not ALL bad) so instead – let’s look at solutions!  In this post, […]

How to stay focused: part 1

✨ You know that feeling when you’re on your yoga mat and you just can’t seem to focus? ✨ Today I spent my whole practice mentally writing emails and going through to-do lists. I was totally in my head – not in my body! It’s frustrating when the mind wanders and for a moment I […]