Yoga Nidra


By Jennie Wadsten Sharma

Hi there, 

Here’s another Yoga Nidra in the little series of one Nidra per season. ♡

This Yoga Nidra’s theme is A Summer’s Night,  preparing you for a good night’s sleep. Two versions are available: with and without music.


At the beginning of the practice, I’ll invite you to visualise or feel a safe place in nature on a summer night. This can be somewhere you’ve been before or a place in your imagination. Towards the end of the practice, we’ll visit this place again. The Nidra also includes a relaxing body scan and an awareness of the breath section, to soften the body – and mind. 


If you’d rather practice at another time of the day, you’ll also find a Yoga Nidra in Nature, which you can listen to whenever – and wherever – you want. It was recorded live in the jungle in Goa, and you’ll hear the wonderful sounds of India in the background, in the distance. Maybe imagine that you’re lying in a comfortable hammock, enjoying a lazy day…


With Love 

Yoga Nidra for Sleep: Summer Night

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Listen WITHOUT music

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Listen with gentle music

The first 30 minutes of this track consists of a soothing Yoga Nidra practice with gentle music, followed by 30 minutes of just music, for you to drift deeper towards relaxation and sleep.

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Yoga Nidra in Nature

Here’s a Yoga Nidra that you can listen to at any time of the day. 

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What is Yoga Nidra?

Yoga Nidra is a form of meditation we usually do lying down. Yoga Nidra is a also a state that occupies the borderline between waking and sleeping (hypnagogia) – not fully awake or fully asleep.  

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